AI bots trained for 180 years a day to beat humans at Dota 2

AI bots trained for 180 years a day to beat humans at Dota 2

Beating humans at board games is passé in the AI world. Now, top academics and tech companies want to challenge us at video games instead. Today, OpenAI, a research lab founded by Elon Musk and Sam Altman, announced its latest milestone: a team of AI agents that can beat the top 1 percent of amateurs at popular battle arena game Dota 2. You may remember that OpenAI first strode into the world of Dota 2 last August, unveiling a system that could beat the top players at 1v1 matches. However, this game type greatly reduces the challenge of Dota 2. OpenAI has now upgraded its bots to play humans in 5v5 match-ups, which require more coordination and long-term planning. And while OpenAI has yet to challenge the game’s very best players, it will do so later this year at The International, a Dota 2 tournament that’s the biggest annual event on the e-sports calendar. The motivation for research like this is simple: if we can teach AI systems the skills they need to play video games, we can use them to solve complex real-world challenges that, in some ways, resemble video games — like, for example, managing a city’s transport infrastructure. “This an exciting milestone, and it’s really because it’s about transitioning to real-life applications,” OpenAI’s co-founder and CTO Greg Brockman told The Verge. “If you’ve got a simulation [of a problem] and you can run it large enough scale, there’s no barrier to what you can do with this.”
AI bots trained for 180 years a day to beat humans at Dota 2


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